Seven Dogs is my 23-year-long true story of owning, training, breeding, and showing giant and rare dogs.  But, it’s more than that.  Seven Dogs is funny, sad, informative, and oddly enough, it’s simultaneously fantastic and familiar.

Seven Dogs shares my experience of bringing home my first puppy . . . of trying to get an awkward male to breed when the logistics were completely against him . . .  of showing a nervous dog in the midst of pure chaos . . . of bottle feeding a newborn pup around the clock because mom’s milk failed . . . of discovering that a very large dog was capable of hunting and capturing the birds and squirrels that were stealing her food, and a whole lot more.

Seven Dogs also shares my experience of raising a puppy only to have him die in my arms eleven years later . . . of rescuing a show queen only to see her brutally torn apart in a fight . . . of rehoming a dog I dearly loved just to save his life . . . of having a 200-pound dog humbly submit to massive doses of pain medication as cancer ate him alive . . . of the unmeasurable joy of dog ownership, and the devastation of facing choices and inevitabilities that come with the territory.

Seven Dogs is a story that can be appreciated by just about everyone: old and young, male and female, rich and poor, from any culture and from every corner of the world.  Whether the reader has ever had a dog or not, the story of Seven Dogs is an incomparable journey of love and companionship.

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